Saturday, 30 May 2020



My heart is full of love
To you my dear wife
I wait for you in silence
Just dedicate a love song to you
We have been through many lives
What a difficult separation
Soon we'll be together
 the  joy is great

Friday, 29 May 2020

I love

I love

I love you dad
I love you Mama
I love you my family  
I love you God
I love you Shechina
I love you good people
I will forgive the bad guys
I love you field animals and home
I love you angels  
My heart is full of love
On Pentecost
In it I also like the field plants
All that God created.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

My Twitter acount -link



I feel for a moment Deleted
Deleted for over thirty years.
For a moment, I'm not worth it
I'm not worth it in the moment
and To others.
And there are many Deleted.
Who will excite me and them
a life ?

Thursday, 21 May 2020



I wanted that God
Will heal every Injured soul in the world
And I know it's pending
Can be cured but not cured
To the eyes of the angry God
Mental illnesses are body diseases
Keep your teeth healthy
Mental illnesses are body diseases - Maimonides

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

A good future awaits us

A good future awaits us

I'm napping today
Really want to sleep
To have good dreams about the past
Embrace good dreams for the future
Time to be with my wife and children
But for now, I'm alert
And just think about the past, present and future
Want very good days

Friday, 15 May 2020

vegan diet

vegan diet

I try a vegan diet
And not dairy vegetarian as before
If I succeed I'll be happy
And I'll know for another two months
I have many hopes
Vegan nutrition is a good order in the disturbed world we live in.
Without torturing animals and without eating them
The vegan diet also regulates human morality
  Not immediately it takes time
Like all processes of mind and evolution
But I'm hopeful
  I will succeed this time.
And with the vegan diet, I want to bless my tormentors
I welcome you in stoping all your  sin .
I welcome you to be good
I welcome you to life without sin
Be good vegans.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020



I also had a childhood
A  childhood who aunted but childhood
There are also good memories
Like the cup of cocoa with milk
I drank in my parents' hut
Every day at four in the afternoon
Like the pottery I made with my father in a fire
Covered in dirt under the fire
Like the cacti growing up near the hut
And I, too, grew up
Protected by loving mother and father
But a beaten and challenged boy
The terror of members of the Village and abroad was hard.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

I am fine

I am fine

Things are going well but I'm worried
 The buzzing thought disappeared
The Knocking of the teeth from the drug and the tension disappeared
 The unsettling thoughts disappeared
The dreams while I doze off disapir
 The anxiety from the corona is smaller
 but I'm just scared to go on the bus
 Everything is getting better
And I wait for the buzzing in my ears to go away
Like the nightmares and flashbacks are gone
 The mood is better too
I'm not sad anymore
Nor does I erupt in anger
 Everything is getting better
And I have yet to complete the memory
Sometimes it comes back for a moment
Then I understand Portuguese and German
And sometimes there are dreams of the past
 On my blonde wife with the curly hair
And I'm still worried. But already more hopeful and happy.
And that everything will be for a long  time I will begin to forgive

Monday, 4 May 2020

Love - B


Some  like me
Sometimes because I'm Jewish
Sometimes because I am secular
Sometimes because I'm ill
And sometimes they  like my poetry and writing
And sometimes they  like me being leftist
And sometimes because I believe in God
And in his wife's Shekinah and the angels  
Everyone has a reason
And I  am sure that God and the angeles love me.