Sunday, 28 October 2018

Some think

Some think

Some think
That  sometimes we have to be hard
Like a soldier in war.
And I think that a poor man is the man
That should be hard.
And there are types of people
And there is age and life experience.
I'm not built for war:
The idea of killing someone
Makes me shudder.
  I'd rather die
Than to kill with such permission
When there is war.

Sunday, 21 October 2018

In angular light

In angular light

In a weak angular light:
Light of the morning rose
You see every speck of dust.
And I clean them ...
Just unpleasant
Tם See the dirt.
And so it is My doings
I examine them carefully
And cleans and regrets.

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Words that touching

Words that touching

Words that touching - good words.
Friendship signs - from the heart.
And I say - and I hear.
Strengthens faith in human beings.
And I write  them in thousands of songs.
And I read  them in thousands of hymns.
Once upon sorrow, once upon hope
Once upon a time. Once upon a melancholy.
Touching words
Words are healing. Bring medicine.
And an example: it's just "sorry."

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Plant withered - plant grows

Plant withered - plant grows

Plant withered - could not withstand the cold -
And now its roots have sprouted new leaves -
How glad I was-thank God
On a plant that grew again ..
And I'll grow up, too, and I'll gets old and will die ...
This is the way of the world.
And I'll grow new leaves in heaven
Where my soul will live and have fun.
And thank God for a life that ends well
For I will enjoy the company of the righteous.