Friday, 11 November 2022



I'm glad I don't have inspiration right now

I write songs by myself

Sometimes beautiful, sometimes not

But from myself and it's important

It is the same in paintings and stories


Saturday, 27 August 2022

Friday, 17 June 2022

Huge love

 Huge love

My memory comes back to me

On a journey into the past

Big and huge and very huge

I read my memoirs

And learns modesty towards the time

And I remember you my wife

with big love

I'm already painted you

I've already learned your name

And I'm waiting to see you

With huge love


Friday, 10 June 2022

I love you my wife

 I love you my wife

I love you my wife

Very great love

Your hair is very beautiful

Your    color  also

Your brown eyes are very beautiful

Your body is very attractive to me

Your character and wisdom are very good

I'm waiting to see you with me

With my very good daughters


Monday, 6 June 2022

Do not cry

 Do not cry

Do not cry, the main thing is the woman  

Do not cry, the main thing is the girls

Do not cry if you cry

You will be beaten harder

Be strong and be brave

Do not be afraid for even a second

And this is how I have lived for many years

And sees my enemies

Seized by the police

And go and seized and disappear

In prisons all over the world

Everything in law and justice

Justice, justice shall you pursue

Choose TO be good


Friday, 27 May 2022






My Jerusalem is a city of peace

My Zionism is a Zionism of peace

Peace at home and peace   outside

And I am a Zionist and love peace

And I'm moderate and waiting for peace

I wish it would come today


Inspired by Dan Almagor

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Run horse and live

Run horse and live

Run horse and  live

Breathe in mountain air and rejoice

Life is good

Full  of vegetables and herbs

And you, too, will be happy

Your life was given to you as a gift

By the good God

And his very powerful angels

And know that there are good people too



Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Holocausts day

 Holocaust Day

  On Holocaust Day I am sad

Remembers all my relatives who were murdered

Light a candle to their memory

And thinks of all the atrocities

 That  do and did  to us. the Jews

  For thousands of years


Drawing of a rabbit


Wednesday, 9 March 2022

I am happy

 I'm happy

When I draw

I'm happy

When I am writing a happy song

I'm happy

When I play

I'm happy

And today I'm happy

And it is  good to  my heart

And only about the war

Mourning and bereavement

I'm not happy


Friday, 4 March 2022

When you are writing a song

When you are writing a song

When you are writing a song

And  someone trying to put you to sleep

And make you forget your memory

And you fight for every line

You know that  God is  very angry

On the very wicked of the world

And he will move from defensive to offensive

All over the world

And  he will motivate the  human beings

To  fight  the absolute evil

And I'm a simple person

Very striving for peace


Drawing of a dog


Friday, 18 February 2022

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Day of fun

 Day of fun

Day of fun  

The Sun is shining

The morning dew returns the warm light of the sun

And small children playing in the kindergarten

Beautiful birds chirp a merry song

And I am happy and kind-hearted

Here   comes  the peace


Friday, 4 February 2022

Saturday fun

 Saturday fun

Saturday fun is

To make a vegan campfire

And  to Take a walk in nature

Or in the villages of Eretz Israel

To Visit Grandpa and Grandma

 And Play with the kids

To Call relatives

To engage in art and other hobbies.

And to read books

This is how you enjoy life


Tuesday, 1 February 2022

How to resolve the crisis between Russia and Europe peacefully

 How to resolve the crisis between Russia and Europe peacefully

My opinion is that Russia should join Europe and the European Union

In order to do this Russia has to do two main things.

A) To be truly democratic

B) Has to make its economy better.

On the other hand, the West and Europe should not take over Russia's economy, let alone take over companies or destroy them - something that the Russians fear.

If these things are established Russia's economy will flourish

Things need to be done gradually and for quite a few years as part of trust-building stepes between the parties.

 In them Russia for example will not flood the Western countries with too cheap goods. This undermined the Western economy.

And as for the crisis between China and Taiwan if China will be  democratic . in my opinion Taiwan will join China by itself because they are the same people. And therefore a war between them is unnecessary.

 But China cannot be democratic right away because its economy has not yet been good enough. And may be hungry in China .

In any case, a war in Europe means in my opinion that Europe will not buy many goods in China and certainly if Europe is conquered, God forbid, by Russia.

And in the case of the economic crisis between China and the United States. In my opinion, China should not distribute goods that are too cheap in the United States. Otherwise there will be economic destruction of many companies in the United States and the United States economy will be destroyed. Which would ultimately hurt China because the United States would not be able to buy Chinese trade in large quantities.

Another thing related to Russia and its economic problems is the size of the army. Too large an army causes an economic waste of resources. But this needs to be done in confidence-building steps with many countries.

White Rhino


Friday, 28 January 2022

True Love

True Love

I love you my wife

You love me

Storms will not extinguish the fire of love

Our children will grew up in love

We will win and live in the end times

 At  the Man will be good

And so is every wild animal

And there will be no more wars and plagues

And we all thank God

And to his good and righteous angels


Drawing of a Dog