Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Peace is the most precious of all

Peace is the most precious of all

Any problem can be solved
Peace is the most precious of all.
Do you want war?
It Only shows the evil of man:
How peaceful man
For a moment he becomes a monster.
Loses the image of man
On the face of it he  gets, a licence to kill
But everything will be brought to trial
And first of all the sentence of conscience.


Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Let us to live

Let  us to live

Let the Animals to Live
Let the people to live.
Stop the wars
And do not murder in secret
For a living.
Look at your plate
It's full of meat.
Taste cruelty in your mouth
And not friendship and brotherhood.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

In Our Country

In our country

In our country there are nice people
In our country there are good people.
Wherever you find them
Wherever you see them
Everywhere you enjoy from them
And everywhere you return a favor.


Saturday, 7 April 2018



Flowers, flowers, flowers
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,
Growing by the roadside.
A red here and a yellow there
Blue there and white here.
And I look and I see
Enjoyed with all my heart.
There is no more  beauty from a handsome flower
To beautify my way in life.


Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Love of God

Love of God

I love God
God Almighty.
Creator of the whole world
From dust to man.
What a wonderful creation
Testifies to the wisdom of the great God.
Every creature and creature  God love
 Keeps his soul, his spiritl.
Including my own soul
I love you from the dawn of my life.


Sunday, 1 April 2018

The small things

The small things

The smallest things that are revealed
In The newspaper ads, even the smallest ones
They are sometimes the most important things.
And in fact it's a big mistake
 To Throw them straight into the trash
  Along with the ad
Which was not well preserved
With the entire newspaper.
Because a general aspect is required.
And save all the newspapers
Otherwise the world is terrible
And God knows what